Pender Pediatric Therapy provides thorough and comprehensive assessments that address all aspects of communication. Receptive and expressive language, articulation, oral motor, feeding, fluency, vocal quality, and social and play skills play a vital role in the way individuals access and participate in environments in their daily lives.

What to Expect during an evaluation:

The legal guardian of the child will complete intake paperwork, including patient and family history and concerns and goals for your child. Caregivers to young children are expected to be active participants in the assessment, as your knowledge of your child’s skills in their daily routines and interactions will provide valuable information. Making goals functional and practical to the child and family will require family input. If your child has an IFSP and IEP, please bring a copy with you to the initial appointment.

Our clinicians provide individualized, evidence based services for receptive and expressive language delays, speech sound disorders, motor speech disorders/apraxia, swallowing/feeding, oral motor needs, augmentative communication, fluency (stuttering), and social skills as a result of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Auditory Processing Disorder, neurological impairments, tethered tongue issues, and general developmental delays.

What to Expect during therapy:

Families of young children will participate in coaching during treatment sessions. Language learning happens all of the time, so it will be imperative to have family involvement for carryover outside of therapy sessions. Progress will be inhibited if goals are only addressed during the 30-60 minutes per week your child is in therapy. There will come a time when the child transitions to independent sessions, with family education at the end. Progress and goals are constantly monitored and adjusted to fit your child’s needs as we move through the treatment plan.

PPT believes in collaboration over competition. There are many wonderful resources, specialists, and programs in our area. We do not hesitate to refer families for additional or different services if we feel it may be beneficial to the child.


We are thrilled to partner with Creative Hands Occupational Therapy so that our patients have access to speech and occupational therapy in the same building.


Pender Pediatric Therapy is contracted with the Children’s Developmental Services Agency of the Cape Fear to treat patients birth to three in their natural environment (homes, daycare, etc.). Any children under the age of 3 that are identified as at risk for any developmental delay will be referred to the CDSA to assist with coordination of services, community based resources, transitions to the preschool program, and financial support.

Pender Pediatric Therapy offers FREE SCREENINGS, always. Screenings are a quick review of a child’s skills to determine if further evaluation is necessary. Screenings can be scheduled in the office and are offered for local childcare centers.

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